
this is how i exactly feel right now. Constipated?! NO silly.
check this out...in which another momentum in my blog posting, I have adjusted my programmd-to-be-stupid vitals and be in a corny sentimental mode.
sooo, if you ain't interested, click the RED X button located at the upper left corner of the screen.
Here i go:
I am in the hunger of finding a new place for me to stay in my next painful semesters in UP. I am currently staying in my tita's in Marikina, and my tito, a high-strung unsympathetic uber-geezer, has recently showed his wrath, though not necessarily ov-vee-yus. He called me DON BARRY. Eek! Hey, watch it tito, you hurrrt mah feelingsss!
Hayyy, good thing many people would dare cheer me up. Thanks to you guys.
Jokko has been helping me to find a place along Katipunan. Why not dormitories inside UP?? Idiots. I'll neurocize if I am stuck up in a situation wherein I wake up in UP, and sleep in UP!
My Sundays have been preoccupied by schedules consisting of homeworks, sleeping, and evolving into a couch potato; realizing that i am a good-for-nothing post-Catholic school boy who formerly had masses almost weekly, and ended up in College as a born-again demon. Missed those days. Awwww. i missed being in the choir, although my platinum-gold combined voice has not been discovered YET! OOps, i broke the misery-oriented atmosphere.
I need a confession. No. Seriously.
Congratulations to Juni who passed an audition of a group who requires a lot of confidence and pleasant voice, apparently singing.

[this rotten pic is strictly dedicated to Ada]
Let me start it: FUHK YAO!
November 19.
WBC matches.
Sino ang Tatapos?
Pacquaio versus Morales.
Philippines and Mehiko.
Boring day.
No one's texting me!
Are they all watching 'it'?
God, I must hibernate.
No, I'll watch.
Is 'he' worth watching?
O great, it's a late broadcast.
Stupid ABS-CBN.
Viloria loses.
Who's next?
Omar Nino and what?
Ugh, never mind.
Sarah Geronimo??!
Pure shame.
Rey Mysterio!!
He's a Mexican pala.
My phone beeps.
Blockmate Mica says, "Pacquiao won, 3rd round!"
Spoiler, I thought.
I write a message.
"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Seen-In-TV-Commercials won!"
Several receivers reply, YEY!
Schoolmate Ephy replies, SPOILER!
I laugh.
Ang laughed.
Then I glued myself on the TV again.
Oh, Morales is a duck.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Seen-In-TV-Commercials's hot air conributes to the greenhouse effect!
If this was a Mr. Pogi finals, I doubt if he will ever catch up in the elimination.
Gring, gring, gring!!!
This is a damn sport.
A street sport.
Fundamentally learned along the street e.g when you meet filthy frat boys.
I noticed that the VIP sectioned spectators were dressed formally, ready for their funeral rites, probably businessmen.
Morales outbalances.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Seen-In-TV-Commercials wins!
He bares his gums.
Everybody, almost--I mean, rejoices.
Ada is about to self-destruct, I knew it.
November 20.
24 ORAS.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Seen-In-TV-Commercials reigns the primetime program.
Lala Roque must be locked up in a wireless elevator in her entire life, I foretold.
His mother is a female dog.

Don't ever glare.
WARNING: The following movie I'll relate to should not be viewed by any homo sapien with an intelligence quotient of more than 50. If the fools go watch it, e.g US, proceed to planB: hang us in the bridge!
WAGKANGLILINGON comprises two stories that can either humiliate the stars and the producer AND the director, themselves in the premiere night or say, "Wake me up when it comes to the credits, will ya?": Uyahi--Anne Curtis's story and Salamin--Kristine's.
The first is actually about a well-groomed nurse, Melissa {Curtis] who seemed to be gratuitiously haunted by every gruesome zombie found in the hospital where she serves. It came up to the staff innumerable reports of held patients-turned-corpses; alarmed, Curtis portrays an innoucous routine with the fact that SHE is the murderer. There weren't supporting clues, so...there was no story at all!
The second narrates a family of three: the mother [Cherry Pie Picache], and 2 daughters[Kristine and a 7-year-old girl]; they altogether rent a mansion usually not of any resemblance to the houses in Beverly Hills. This one is creepy, housed by termites, rats, roaches, worms [don't upchuck yet people!]...and most of all, some 'hindi matahimik na kaluluwa!' The latter continuously become rude to their 'visitors' including psychic friend, Trixie [Dimples Romana].
On the contrary, the landlord morphs into a hideous, but still human, being and tries to savagely homicide the trio. Everybody gets blood all over, unlikably used for your lechong baboy, except the bunso, Nina. She gets a smash in the head abstractly and transmogrifies to the first part's Melissa. Ooh, there's actually a connection. Never thought. Never realized. We laughed. And laughed. And concluded, this is pure comedy.
Though, the viewers who come out from the moviehouses who almost swallow the microphone, while exhibiting their popcorn-embedded teeth, screaming the following should be terminated the first chance you get. **The opposite phrases should be shouted in full magnitude in their eardrums.
"Nakakatakot!" Sino, ikaw??
"panonoorin ko ulit!" Cge, maglustay ka ng pera!
"Ang galing ni Kristine!" Galing magpatawa!
"Isa pa! Isa Pa" Sapak, gusto mo?!
[22]PetitenessHappy birthday to Margaret Agnes Pe benito!!!a dear friend of mine.eeuw, i used the term 'dear'. I know it's corny, but that's love. Love is corny. Ooop, people, walang malisya!Eeek! she's older than me. Haha. Though, she looks prettily petite. Visit her blog and tag her your greetings:http://www.orenjeen.blogspot.com
November 17, 2006
To the staff of Survivor whenever,
Congratulate yourselves for you have finally found that 'someone' who is from a breed of real Survivors!
Yesss, it is I, Barry Cyrus Viloria, 16, Filipino aka Pinoy, known for having experienced any kind of perpetual yet inevitable crisis. At this point in my life, I have been immunized to any kind of arduous tasks and all types, even subtypes, of shortages from post-calamities like typhoons.
At least today, I am the opposite of my childhood days, wherein I was a self-confessed "senorito" who had a yaya present in my shadow. Eventually, I had vast encounters that of a trabahador/worker: I carry numerable books and notebooks in my grade school; I did some relaying over of dried goods e.g missionary offerings back in my C.O.Q.C. "my-god-when-will-this-end?!" training, imposing severe military drills most were actually physical, and infuriated, under the Seniors, who if not with it, I never had known that they exist; I made it through ten years in a Catholic school, reigned by nuns, that talks money, not fairness...and now, I'm in the metropolis, exposed to diverse kinds of pollution and filth. Here in University of the Philippines, I seem to be strong amidst the liberated way of life. Thanks to all of those, for I am now a declared Survivor!!!
And what now?! Won't you just accept me? Plot it on any part of this world, except of course of those with cold climates. I can handle it. I have been bathing in sweat , most of the time in my country. Eek! Bet you didn't know that I can cook rice, and above that, I experiment! So there, I am pleading that you reply to my call.
Crying in despair,
VILORIA, Barry Cyrus R.
I need the 1million dollars to eradicate tremendous house rats. Eek!

TXT me with this number: 091 something.
Horror flicks are commonly composed of ten unelaborated concepts: one is mystery, two is "shit-turn-that-TV-off!" or "fuck-hide-me-in-your-boobs!", and the other eight are gathered into hiding below the movie seats. I've watched The Ring series and some chaotic others with me laughing out loud, or just palinly sitting on the couch with perplexed reasons: (1) I don't get the storyline [Huh? So 'The Ring' refers to the 'telephone ring'?], (2) I was deaftening{i don' know the spelling} out thanks to Katrina's or Iris' shrieks, (3) I was playing Pusoy Dos with Jokko, Ervin, Marky, etcetera, or merely texting, (4) I was sleepy [Sukob?? Ugh, so the suspect is a taong-grasa?!] or usually, (5) I was wondering, "how stupid can it be?" [Exorcism, eh? Why don't they just exorcise the director?!]
I think that the last Pinoy movie I last saw was Spirits 2, featuring the Street Boys. Its not propely appropriate to plonk dancers; why not singers?? When they scream, they echo no noise, but a....vibratto!
Anyway, Nix was in deep despair about seeing this movie, TXT, starring Oyo Sotto [Vittorio Sotto Jr.], Dennis Trillo [Dennis Ho] and oh-my-gad-oh-gracious Angel Locsin [Angelica Colmenares]. I did a research, now I remember Ma'am Raboy! Angel is divine: I like her eyes, hair, and figure; of course, her name which sounded like food: squid as the constituent/calamares! Anyway, Nix was comically delirious that I jumped in and decided to see it too in JTC, costing me sixty bucks, Not bad.
TXT is a masterpiece of newcomer, Michael Tuviera. Masterpiece it was for the storyline is infallibly unique. First of all, he considered the concept of the Philippines being the undisputed number one cellphone subscriber. It begins with Roman's[Sotto] morgue scene, with Joyce, the 'widowed' girlfriend[My Angel] and the parents, named Versoza's, weeping around him. Joyce was blamed ferociously by Mrs. Versoza[Bing Loyzaga], the aforescene: the first was driving Roman's SUV the night they broke up; Roman got drunk and depressed that he made some black magic between them by having a familiar bloodcompact, Joyce being forced of course, the blood dripped on baldie's cellphone and there, the ACCIDENT. Roman DEAD.
Joyce's recovery was hastened thanks to her friends: Ida[Julia Clarete] her fellow caregiver and especially, Alex [Trillo] a call ceneter agent. She got some freaky SMS and MMS which embedded really hair-raisingly chills. The spell slash curse was literal: Roman is lurking in Joyce's shadow so anyone who says or does something against him will be put on some bizarre death. Namely, Eugene Domingo[a carinderia owner], an old lady who Joyce was taking care of, and Ida were victims: they get a phone call at exactly 3:29 AM and then, craze out, then TADAAAH, patay sila. The one with the most 'whoa' was ...basta, just watch it. To conclude, Joyce was mutual with Alex's luuuuv, as expected, ugh, Dennis is getting me jealous, Angel's mine! hahaha, Anyway, I loved your love team. Eeeek!
The ending is, to my horror the worst ending, next to Matrix Revolutions, I have seen in my entire life! After the awaited kissing scene between Joyce and Alex, for they surpassed the 3:29 forecasted death, Roman possed the body of Alex. Did I spoil you, coz it's still being shown, i think.
PS: I bought Twisted6 featuring ever little thing that Zafra hated about Erap, the deposed president. Too Serious. Almost a crap.
Hey, forgive me, you BOTHER, for I have sinned: last Friday, I was about to pay for the gulaman in CASAA. I gave the sales-whateverer p500. She returned it and said, "barya lang"; to my patience, I gave her coins! SOooo..as her hand cannot contain of it, one nickel fell in the gulaman bowl, as i said, OOPS! She stared at me as if I killed her dog, the I ran away! Kasalanan niyo po iyon!
I am soooo happy that I am back in Manila.
Pollution. Crime.
Well, anyway I'm back guys in the tormented and crazed hobby of mine: not sleeping, nor eating, nor smiling, blogging, Yes, definitely, I owe my viewers , if there were, a great apology for
a late update. Peace.
Just bought TWISTED 7 by Jessica Zafra, her weirdness majesty, and finished reading it long before I spend my entire November here. Aargh. I need a new book again.I spent my vacation with sleeping, ohh yeah, and of course, walay-ing with my friends: SPCIS Intramurals, Octoberfest, Halloween, All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day, etcetera, etcetera. Intrams: No booths, infuriating Bingo Socials, non-innovation but the Dancefest...oh, the intramurals was sure packed with jillions of the word FUN that I even forgot to lend a smile.Octoberfest: drinking? I drank Iced Tea with Jokko and Carl. smoking? I smoked oxygen. partying? yeah, a sequenced sleepover in Jokko's residence. with my barkada.Halloween [is this the correct spelling? What does this term really mean anyway?]: We slept in Ivan's after playing card games [rubbing on the loser's face clammy Johnson's baby powder], watching movies, immensely watching our eyebags swell like tremendous boils, not to mention a Halloween party in where I borught my all-time Grim reaper mask and Paul's all-around face. Hihihi. with my barkada.All Saints': visiting the dead. of course.All Souls': with Bevs, we bought an unauthentic highly-priced baby balloon in the Vigan Cemetery and later hanged-out with Nix, Joshua, Elie and Ada.Pusoy Dos, High Jack: Playing an illiterate way of these basic card games with little variations, transforming the phrases to rather unwholesome ones, with Joana, Nix, Tin, Kat, ate Janina.I've been in a major diappontment in my grades, revelaed by Ephy:PE BAdminton: 3. I think I shall never see a grade as lovely as this.Creative Writing: 3. That moron!Kasaysayan2: 2. Pretty.Marine Science1: 1.75. Okay.Natural Science2: 2.25. Whew.Geography1: 1.25. Smirk.Average: 2.05. See you soon, 2nd semester grades!